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It is possible to prevent child abuse at home, in your environment, or in your community. Although it is true that in general terms governments are also responsible. And must develop plans and strategies to prevent child abuse in all its forms.

Exercising is one of the most satisfying activities there is and it is also very good for the body. Getting the little ones in the house to play sports is sometimes a complicated task, but all dads and all moms must know that the importance of our children doing regular physical exercise is of the utmost importance.

Have children? If you don't have them, surely when you see other mothers talking about how hard and tiring childcare is, you think how exaggerated! But if you have already been a mother, you understand perfectly what they mean. Children at home are very active and need constant attention; and on many occasions, this is exhausting.

Motivation is vital, especially for the little ones, which is why at UNIR we propose a series of motivational activities for Early Childhood Education. A child who comes to class eager to learn is every teacher's dream. To achieve this, educators try to motivate students from the earliest stages. Motivation is complex because it is made up of various conditioning factors: to achieve an objective, a need must be created, but also a desire and, above all, expectations. Motivation is vital, especially for the little ones, which is why at UNIR we propose a series of motivational activities for Early Childhood Education.