You, Will, Thank Us – 10 Tips About Child You Need To Know

Tips About Child

You, Will, Thank Us – 10 Tips About Child You Need To Know

Families have an important role in developing the healthy self-esteem of children and daughters. You could say that they want the best for their children, but what is the best? Let’s see what 10 specific suggestions are advised by experts so that children develop adequate self-esteem as a result of what they transmit from home:

10 Tips About Child You Need To Know

1. Reinforce positively

Reinforcing means acknowledging positive behaviors. On numerous occasions, families consider that good behavior should just happen, that it is an ‘obligation’ of their sons and daughters and that bad behavior should be punished.

We should not assume that good behavior and healthy self-esteem appear by themselves, without trying anything on our part. Children need recognition for the little things they do every day that sometimes go unnoticed. For example, if your child gets up in the morning with a decision to go to school, it is a good occasion for him to receive a motivating comment from the parents of the type ‘I like how you can get up so quickly in the morning’. To reinforce the appropriate behaviors that take place at home to increase the feeling of personal worth. We must express our emotions of pride, joy, or satisfaction in these reinforcements.

2. Discover your skills

What skills can our son or daughter have that we don’t know well enough? Although parents know their children well likely, they do not know all their qualities well. Hence they sometimes think about the things that go wrong.

Example: focus game in family. All of this will make you feel special and capable of those skills. At the same time, at this point, it is important not to confuse identity with behavior. If a behavior is not appropriate, it should be corrected and offered alternatives, but not opt ​​for verbalizations of the type ‘you are very. They concern about their personality and not their behavior and, therefore, in the long term, could undermine self-esteem.

Ultimately, you must learn to be self-reinforcing, that is, to direct positive and pleasant comments or thoughts about what you do properly and this will allow you to feel happier.

3. Self-verbalize pleasant things

There are times when it is important for the little one to say nice and beautiful things to himself. This has a double function. First, the recognition of personal worth and, second, as a self-help strategy when the child has a special tendency to highlight only the negative.

4. Improve your body image

Parents can help improve their personal image by teaching those rules about personal hygiene, cleanliness, dress, grooming, external appearance, etc., in the case of adolescent children. When they manifest difficulties with their body image, parents should explain to them that these thoughts are not adequate to feel comfortable with themselves. They should understand the changes as normal of age and help them to focus their thoughts on other personal aspects that are positive (creativity, joy, companionship, quality, etc.).

5. Help your son or daughter to tolerate frustrations

“We do not always get what we want and this should not be a reason for unhappiness or alteration of our behavior.” This is the message that we must transmit to our son or daughter from a very young age. When you ask us for trinkets and parents understand that it does not benefit you, you must learn not to react with a tantrum.

On the level of self-esteem, we must convey that you should not be discouraged when something you wanted does not get it because it does not depend on your efforts but on other foreign circumstances. We can feel unhappy and blame ourselves for not having achieved them. We must prevent our child from blaming himself when things are not going well for him.

One way to act is to change negative thoughts for positive ones, always avoiding self-blame for the problems that affect us. A valid exercise for this is:

– Imagine that this weekend you thought you had a great time with your friends and, nevertheless, it has not been like that. What should you think so that you don’t feel guilty or discouraged?

– You were thinking of getting a notable in Language, but it couldn’t be. You got just 5. A proper thought would be.

6. Teach him to take pride in his accomplishments

It is about learning to value your personal successes by expressing feelings of satisfaction. Satisfaction for yourself and for what you achieve increases self-esteem. Put into practice, we can ask him to talk to us and tell us things about him, for example: what are you proud of?

7. Value their opinions

Our son or daughter should not think ‘what I say does not count. Their opinions must be taken into account, according to age, but always their contribution and participation. Discuss with them, comment, analyze problems, listen to their opinions, etc. They are very simple tasks that will help you in an important way to value yourself and think that what you say is important, as much as what others say. We must teach you to:

  1. a) Before speaking, you should think carefully about the things you want to say.
  2. b) Speak slowly, clearly, without haste.
  3. c) Look at the face of the person you are talking to.
  4. d) Use an adequate volume of voice. You don’t need to shout to make yourself understood.

8. Fluent communication with your child

Good communication is the fundamental basis in family life. Despite the fact that stress often characterizes parents’ lives, they should always look for the right times of the day to take an interest in the child’s things and concerns, holding affectionate conversations, debating and commenting on family issues and common or personal interests.

This is to encourage you to express ideas, which will allow you to get to know yourself better. Although it has always been said that parents know their children best, sometimes we get unthinkable surprises regarding their behavior at school, with friends that, believing they know, it turns out that it was not what we thought.

9. Avoid overprotection

When the child has some difficulty, weakness …, in general, parents tend to overprotect him. For example, avoid going on an excursion in case he has a mishap or accompany him to school when he could perfectly go alone. Parents must hold him responsible for his things, for what they say, and how they act.

10. The family should provide a good model of self-esteem and help you set goals

If we want healthy self-esteem, we must show ourselves as models that we do have adequate self-esteem. Children must perceive in their parents all those values ​​that are part of healthy self-esteem: responsibility, effort, affection, kind comments, etc.

To achieve anything, we must set a goal, even to achieve small daily things. If we want our son or daughter to be ordained, we must agree to achieve small achievements every day. Setting small goals requires breaking down what we want to achieve in small steps.

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